Artist Statement

My creative talent includes painting, collage, sculpture, design, photography and installation.
The process of creating the perfect piece always brings me great joy and happiness!
All is created with love, light and multidimensional. The "Flat" seems untouchable, empty of substance, without soul. The matter should be alive, evoluate, vibrate. The multidimensional is a journey through and around forms. It’s palpable and surprising.
I am inspired by unconventional materials. The medium used is a destination for limitless and crazy creativity. The holographic paper animates life. The superimposition of paper strips transmutes the invisible into a physical body in motion. 
My inspiration wants to be pure and evolutionary.
The abstract LIVES in abstract.  
I am not looking to communicate particular messages, even if sometimes it seems to be the case, but rather to create a « source of connection » by the imperceptible and subtle to open the way to your own interpretation.
The artwork is revealed at length and comes in hundreds of new versions with each gaze.
 My art likes to be surrounded by white walls that create a sublime empty space framework, which was originally free and unlimited in my imagination to begin with.

Mixed media & Holographic paper

some of Artwork from this gallery are for sale - custom art on demande